Susan and Rich Hanson

469 13th St. #2 / Brooklyn, NY 11215
718-369-9598 [Susan] [Rich]

December 20, 2002



Dear Friends and Family

The year 2002 has been one of relative calm for the
Hanson-Kleine family after the tumultuous events of 2001. Although the aftermath of September 11th is still very much a part of life in New York City, we are all beginning to move on.

Rich still enjoys his position as Director of Site Operations, for Charming Interactive, the e-commerce division of Charming Shoppes, Inc., a plus size fashion conglomerate. The group launched an e-commerce operation successfully in the spring and is working on another. Rich keeps up with the acoustic music scene in the NYC area. He and Susan still attend numerous concerts and plays. They enjoyed a vacation in Nova Scotia, following Susan’s annual living history museum conference, which took place there in June.

Susan left the mystery bookstore October 1st and is now working at her museum consulting practice, History Behind the Scenes, full time. Thanks to a contract with an Irish American cultural organization in upstate New York, she is project director of a team developing a living history museum from scratch. Plans call for the museum to interpret a rural village in 1860s Ireland. She and project team members will travel to Ireland to do research in February. Susan and her sister, Deborah, enjoyed their trip to England in November, visiting the Foster family, London, Norfolk, Bath and the world of Jane Austen.

Andrea established The Art of Franza Foundation this past year. Named for her maternal grandmother, the foundation will seek out grants to support the development of new performance art pieces and newly emerging performance artists. Andrea and Jill still live in Greenwich Village. Jill continues her writing career. The New York Daily News published several of her articles in the past year. She also teaches a journalism course at New York University.

Hilary, still a social worker and resident of New York’s Upper West Side, returned to the Brooklyn Community Service Board last spring. There, she works with clients who, due to economic aftermath of the World Trade Center attacks, find themselves seeking help from public agencies for the first time.

Jared, who continues to live on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, had two major changes in his life over the past year. He entered a 4-year program to become a naturopathic physician at the University of Bridgeport this fall and became engaged to Seema Srivastava, his long-time girl friend. They will be married in northern India, a few hours from New Delhi, in December 2003. Seema, an art history doctoral candidate at New York University, and her parents, who came to the USA from India about 30 years ago, are tutoring us on what to expect. The whole family is looking forward to seeing a different part of the world.

We wish you and yours all the very best for 2003.